Jul 2, 2017
He gave it to you
Your unique design reveals your God- designed path to your destiny.
  • Jul 2, 2017He gave it to you
    Jul 2, 2017
    He gave it to you
    Your unique design reveals your God- designed path to your destiny.
  • May 29, 2017Understanding Credit
    May 29, 2017
    Understanding Credit
    "Understanding how to USE and MANAGE Credit in your favor is very vital for financial health." 
  • May 21, 2017Management of Money
    May 21, 2017
    Management of Money
    "The Biblical Management of Money". Yes we have done it our way, now let's try God's way.
  • May 7, 2017The Right Foundation.
    May 7, 2017
    The Right Foundation.
    "We all have a psychology of money that was handed down to us, in this message we lay out the right biblical mindset that must shape our foundation in managing money God's way.